Bear Creek Friends Meeting
The Religious Society of Friends
18058 Bear Creek Road, Earlham, Iowa 50072
Three mile north of Earlham Iowa
From Des Moines west on I-80 to exit 104/I Ave., north 1.5 miles to Bear Creek Rd, right at the stop sign, located on the south side of road.

A Warm Welcome
We’re a small rural meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) located in a community established in the 1870’s. Bear Creek Friends Meeting is an “un-programmed meeting.”
The Meeting for Worship is the heart of Friends faith. We “meet in worship to wait upon God to speak within, and through one to one another. As we quiet our senses and center … We experience a sense of greater nearness to the Divine Source of Truth and Reality.” The Religious Society of Friends exists to nurture the experience of God through Meeting for Worship and to support one another as each seeks to discern and to live according to the will of God.
– see “Faith & Practice” of Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative
10 a.m. This Sunday Discussion:
Friends believe it is essential to express in words and deeds the faith that sustains us and the convictions that arise from that faith. It is important to speak with integrity and courage ourselves as well as to listen to others with open hearts and minds.
- How do we speak truth as we know it and yet remain open to truth as understood by others?
- What are we doing to share our faith with others outside our Friends’ community?
11 a.m. Silent Worship and Ministry as God Inspires.
There is a cherished presence when a small group gather in the silence to listen for “the small still voice”.